White paper: Strengthening Circularity in Photovoltaics

It is with great pleasure that ROSI shares the last publication from the Deutsche Umwelthilfe (DUH) regarding the challenges and opportunities along the...

March 10, 2021

It is with great pleasure that ROSI shares the last publication from the Deutsche Umwelthilfe (DUH) regarding the challenges and opportunities along the lifecycle of photovoltaic modules to strenghten circular economy behaviours.

As the photovoltaic waste stream increase exponentially in Germany, the goal of the study was to identify how to prevent waste generation, how and when to repair PV modules that can be repaired, and how to recycle those that cannot. The DUH interviewed many organizations and industry stakeholders to obtain a clear vision of the real situation in Germany. It allowed to identify the current major bottlenecks that slow down the establishment of a circular economy:

Please read the paper to find out the actions we think could greatly improve the situation.


The Environmental Action Germany (DUH) has been campaigning to preserve the natural foundations of life for more than 40 years. In doing so, it brings together protecting the environment with consumer pro-tection like no other organisation in Germany. The organisation is politically independent and it cam-paigns mainly on a national and European level.

This study was led in cooperation with industry actors all along the value chain: ROSI, Veolia, Take-e-way, First Solar.


Link to the press release from Deutsche Umwelthilfe

Report in English:

White paper: Strengthening circularity in photovoltaics

Report in German:

Weißbuch: Kreislaufwirtschaft in der Solarbranche stärken


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